Project Background

The wider objective is to enhance networking among higher education institutions across the Partner Countries and EU Member States for improving the education in the field of the energy efficiency enhancement, energy saving and use of renewable sources of energy (the declared field).

The most countries of Consortium have one common problem – insufficient amount of their own energy resources to satisfy their needs in energy.  So they are forced to intensify the work by more effective use of thermal and electrical energy as one of mostly available methods to lower costs for gas and oil products.  But to expand the use of energy saving technologies (including usage of new methods of the energy efficiency enhancement, new energy effective materials, renewable and alternative sources of energy, etc.), it is necessary to resolve the problem common for all Partner Countries, involved into this project consortia – the underdevelopment of infrastructure needed for the above mentioned intensification of use of energy saving technologies, especially  renewable sources.

To promote the development of this infrastructure for resolving the above mentioned  problem it is necessary to decide the following main tasks – to increase number of specialists skilled in this field, to disseminate the knowledge in this field among the people (firstly, young peoples – students and school children) and to create conditions making profitable the use of energy saving technologies and renewable sources in the target regions. Therefore the enhancement of educational component for solving the above mentioned EU-PC problem becomes highly essential.

The improvement of education and enhancement of the students skill and academic staff expertise should include both the use of theoretical description of new energy saving approaches, principles and methods (in lecture courses and seminars) but also should be supported by practical training sessions (classical and virtual) in Laboratory Classes at different levels. So to enhance the education level in this field, Universities in the Partner Countries should improve an educational basis both in fundamental (theoretical) and practical (classical and virtual) trainings in the field of the use of energy saving technologies and renewable sources.

Just by the mentioned above reasons the proposed action is directed on a rise of an educational basis, level and potential of the Universities in Partner Countries in the declared field (enhancement of energy efficiency, energy saving and use of renewable and alternative sources of energies). It allows to state the wider objective of the project as an enhancement of networking among higher education institutions across the Partner Countries and EU Member States for improving the education in the declared field.

But to achieve this overall objective using educational infrastructure of EU Universities and expertise of their teachers it is necessary to make closer the educational approaches and teaching/learning instruments in educational institutions of Partner Countries  and EU Member States.

The main difference between these institutions results from partial or even total incompatibility of curricula and study programs both among Partner Countries Universities and among the latter and EU Countries Universities. It allows to state the following specific objectives of the project which allow to smooth the mentioned mismatching:

  • The development of compatible curricula and study programs for partners` groups by directions;
  • The development of compatible and complementary laboratory classes for partners` groups by directions;
  • The development/improvement lecture synopsis in the partners` groups  by directions;
  • The development of other compatible teaching (didactic) materials in the partners` groups by directions;
  • The delivering/upgrade  of equipment/software for  Laboratory Classes (classical and virtual) by directions;
  • Creation of one Electronic Library (by directions) on one platform with shared possibilities to use it to all partners with synopses and  teaching (didactic) materials.

These objectives are focused on two main target groups – students and academic staff of the Universities in Partner Countries.

In the long term, academic staff and students of educational institutions in the Partners` Countries Universities will be final beneficiaries of the applied Project after its implementation. The final beneficiaries will get the following advantages:

  • academic staff obtain admittance to new methodological and instrumental tools for training of students to provide high-quality education in energy saving technologies and renewable energy sources;
  • students will get new potentialities (developed/modernised lectures, laboratory classes) to get new, more improved knowledge and skill in the field of energy saving and use of renewable sources in future.

 The achievement of the stated goals will allow to develop joint educational platform with unified/compatible educational approaches and instruments for training of target groups (by directions and partner sub-groups).  This platform will include new/modernized:

  • lecture courses,
  • laboratory classes with classical  and  virtual experiments,
  • teaching/learning methods, didactic materials and methodological guides (manuals, instructions, etc.) for execution of practical works and virtual experiments,
  • web site for dissemination of knowledge in energy saving technologies and use of renewable sources.

Thereby the developed joint educational platform will represent an integral, logically valid system of complementary educational approaches and instruments allowing to make training of academic staff and students/masters and therefore to improve education in the target groups in the declared field. The complementary tools (setups/ software for virtual experiments) and methodological approaches (teaching/learning methods, didactic materials, methodological guides) will synergistically intensify experience of the target groups and therefore result in raising their educational basis, level and potential for effective training of the specialists in the field of energy saving and use of renewable sources in the universities of Partner Countries.